Life & Health

Newsletters and podcast

Hannover Re keeps you informed with comprehensive newsletters and our insightful podcast (starting September), designed to ensure you stay up to speed on the latest products, medical developments, and current challenges in the Life & Health sector.


Our latest issues

ReCent Actuarial News

ReCent Actuarial News sheds light on current actuarial topics related to product features, initially focusing on longevity products. Going forward articles will also touch on related topics such as risk management, pricing methods, statistics and data analysis.


ReCent Medical News

ReCent Medical News is published for claims managers, medical underwriters and of course any other interested party worldwide. It deals with current medical topics related to risk assessment by providing additional beneficial insights into recent medical research from around the world of life insurance, as well as case studies and new essential techniques in risk assessment.


ReCent Perspectives

Looking for expert insights from around the world on the latest industry topics, trends and solutions? Look no further than our ReCent Perspectives newsletter.

Life & Health podcast

RePlay by Hannover Re

In bi-monthly interviews, we share unique perspectives on all things Life & Health (re)insurance. Subscribe now on your preferred podcast platform and be the first to tune in when our podcast premieres this September:

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Local news from the UK and US life & health reinsurance market