Hannover Rück SE

Maturity: 2043

Debt Structure: Subordinated fixed to floating rate callable bond of 2022, principle amount EUR 750,000,000, ISIN: XS2549815913

Rating agencyRatingReview date
Standard & Poor's A 2022-11-07

Hannover Rück SE

Maturity: 2042

Debt Structure: Subordinated fixed to floating rate callable bond of 2021, principle amount EUR 750,000,000, ISIN: XS2320745156

Rating agencyRatingReview date
Standard & Poor's A 2021-03-15

Hannover Rück SE

Maturity: 2040

Debt Structure: Subordinated fixed to floating rate callable bond of 2020, principle amount EUR 500,000,000, ISIN: XS2198574209

Rating agencyRatingReview date
Standard & Poor's A 2020-06-29

Hannover Rück SE

Maturity: 2039

Debt Structure: Subordinated fixed to floating rate callable bond of 2019, principle amount EUR 750,000,000, ISIN: XS2063350925

Rating agencyRatingReview date
Standard & Poor's A 2019-10-01

Hannover Rück SE

Maturity: 2028

Debt Structure: Senior unsecured bond, principal amount EUR 750,000,000, ISIN: XS1808482746

Rating agencyRatingReview date
Standard & Poor's AA- 2018-04-10

Hannover Rück SE

Maturity: Undated

Debt Structure: Subordinated fixed to floating rate callable bond of 2014, principal amount EUR 500,000,000, ISIN: XS1109836038

Rating agencyRatingReview date
Standard & Poor's A 2014-09-09
A.M. Best a+ 2017-12-07