Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rückversicherung AG

The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management.

Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.

Implementation of the recommendations by Hannover Rückversicherung AG does not diverge from the German Corporate Governance Code (amended version of 14 June 2007) in any respect.

With respect to the non-mandatory provision of the Code requiring individualised specification of the remuneration received by members of the Executive Board, we are following the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of 12 May 2006, according to which the disclosures required in § 285 Clause 1 No. 9 Letter a Sentences 5 to 9 and § 314 Para.1 No. 6 Letter a Sentences 5 to 9 German Commercial Code as amended by the Act on Disclosure of Executive Board Compensation (Vorstandsvergütungs-Offenlegungsgesetz) shall be omitted.

Hannover, 6 November 2007

Executive Board
Supervisory Board