Accidents are among the most un­predic­table and finan­cially destruc­tive insured risks. At Hannover Life Reassu­rance Company of America, we help you reduce the finan­cial impact asso­ciated with acci­dent claims by under­writing and assu­ming a signi­ficant portion of your risk.

We offer reinsu­rance solu­tions for the acci­dent market on a group and indi­vidual basis, cove­ring both tradi­tional acci­dent and niche lines.

We offer inno­vative reinsu­rance solu­tions for the following:

  • Group acci­dental death and dis­member­ment
  • Voluntary acci­dental death and dis­member­ment
  • Bulk acci­dental death benefit
  • Travel accident
  • Blanket personal accident
  • Accident medical
  • Mass marketed accident (bene­fits written through affi­nity groups, work­site marke­ting or direct-to-con­sumer marke­ting programs)
  • Special events
  • Common carrier

Accidental death and dis­member­ment carve-out

Accidental death carve-outs, which cover single life acci­dents, are an affor­dable alter­native to address one of the most volatile aspects of morta­lity. Our acci­dental death carve-out solu­tions will help you manage your net retained ex­posure while main­taining the predic­table mortality risk.

Cycling in New York

The majority of bicycle acci­dents occur in urban areas. Adole­scents ages 15 to 24 years old and adults over age 44 have the highest rate of bicycle related fata­lities in the US. Our acci­dental death carve-out solu­tions help you manage the vola­tile aspects of mor­tality risk.