Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) at Hannover Rück SE
According to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies are obliged to provide an annual declaration of conformity regarding the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection on a comply-or-explain basis.
According to recommendation C.7 GCGC, more than half of the shareholder representatives in the Supervisory Board should be independent of the company and its Executive Board. A member of the Supervisory Board is independent of the company and its Executive Board if he or she has no personal or business relationship relationship with the company or its Executive Board that could give rise to a significant and not only temporary conflict of interest. When assessing the independence of its members from the the company and the Executive Board, the shareholder side of the Supervisory Board should also consider whether a member has a tenure of more than 12 years. Ms. Pollak has been a member of the Supervisory Board since 3 May 2011, which is now twelve years. The Supervisory Board does not see any material conflicts of interest arising from Ms. Pollak's twelve years of Supervisory Board membership that influence her Supervisory Board activities. However, the Supervisory Board comes to the conclusion that being a member of the Supervisory Board for many years could in principle give rise to conflicts of interest and will regularly review its assessment of Ms. Pollak's independence.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare in accordance with § 161 AktG that Hannover Rück SE complies with all other recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated 28 April 2022 (published on 27 June 2022) and intends to continue to comply with these recommendations in the future.
Hannover, 8 November 2023
The Executive Board
The Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) at Hannover Rück SE
According to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies are obliged to provide an annual declaration of conformity regarding the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection on a comply-or-explain basis.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board therefore declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that Hannover Rück SE is in conformity with all recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code as amended on 28 April 2022 (published on 27 June 2022) and intends to remain in conformity with these recommendations in the future.
Hannover, 2 November 2022
The Executive Board
The Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) at Hannover Rück SE
Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied and why this is the case.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board therefore declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that with effect from 1 April 2022 Hannover Rück SE is in conformity with all recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code as amended on 16 December 2019 (published on 20 March 2020) and intends to remain in conformity with these recommendations in the future.
Hannover, 1 April 2022
The Executive Board
The Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) at Hannover Rück SE
Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied and why this is the case.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board therefore declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rück SE diverges in one respect from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 16 December 2019 (published in the Federal Gazette on 20 March 2020):
Code Recommendation C.10 in conjunction with Recommendation C.7
Independence of the Chair of the Audit Committee from the company and the Management Board
Pursuant to Recommendation C.10 of the Code, the Chair of the Audit Committee shall be independent of the company and the Management Board. Pursuant to Recommendation C.7 of the Code, when assessing the independence of the Supervisory Board's members from the company and the Management Board, the shareholder representatives shall particularly take into consideration whether the respective Supervisory Board member has belonged to the Supervisory Board for more than 12 years. Mr. Haas, the Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee, was first elected to the Supervisory Board of Hannover Rück SE on 24 May 2002 and has therefore already belonged to it for more than 12 years.
In the period from 1994 to 2002 Mr. Haas served as the company's Chief Financial Officer. During this time, he acquired superb knowledge of the company and he is equipped with extensive professional expertise in the topics that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee. His additional long-standing experience on the company's Supervisory Board – in part also as Chair – similarly marks him out for fulfilling with the utmost diligence both the preparatory tasks of the Committee and the tasks that were assigned to the Committee by law or by the full Supervisory Board at its own responsibility. In electing him as Chair of the Committee, the Supervisory Board took into account Mr. Haas' wealth of experience and considered this to be valuable.
Mr. Haas is optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee, and in the opinion of Hannover Rück SE it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from Recommendation C.10 in conjunction with C.7.
Aside from this divergence discussed above, the company will also continue in future to comply with all recommendations of the Code in the version dated 16 December 2019.
Hannover, 3 November 2021
The Executive Board
The Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) at Hannover Rück SE
Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied and why this is the case. In view of the fact that the Code has been updated since the most recently provided Declaration of Conformity of 5 November 2019, the following Declaration is divided into two sections.
I. German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated 7 February 2017
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in the period since the most recently provided Declaration of Conformity dated 5 November 2019 until the announcement of the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" in the version dated 16 December 2019 on 20 March 2020 Hannover Rück SE was in compliance with the recommendations of the Code in the version dated 7 February 2017 with the exception of the following stated divergences.
a. Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2
Caps on the amount of variable remuneration elements in Management Board contracts
The variable remuneration of the members of the Executive Board was granted under the previous remuneration system in part in the form of Hannover Re share awards. The maximum number of share awards granted at the time of allocation depended upon the total amount of variable remuneration, which was subject to an upper limit (cap), i.e. the allocation of share awards was limited by the cap. The share awards had a vesting period of four years. During this period the members of the Executive Board therefore participated in positive and negative developments at the company, as reflected in the share price. The equivalent value of the share awards is paid out to the members of the Executive Board after the end of the vesting period. The amount paid out is determined according to the share price of the Hannover Re share applicable at the payment date plus an amount equivalent to the total dividends per share distributed during the vesting period. The share awards consequently follow the economic fortunes of the Hannover Re share.
The amount of variable remuneration deriving from the granting of share awards was thus capped at the time when the share awards were allocated, but it is not capped again at the time of payment. Bearing in mind the harmonisation of the interests of shareholders and of the members of the Executive Board of Hannover Rück SE that is sought through the share awards, the company did not consider further limitation of the amount of variable remuneration resulting from the granting of share awards at the time of payment to be expedient. From the company's perspective, the use of Hannover Re share awards as a method of payment constitutes – in economic terms – a compulsory investment in Hannover Re shares with a four-year holding period.
For formal purposes and as a highly precautionary measure, Hannover Rück SE is therefore declaring a divergence from Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2 in the aforementioned period.
b. Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4
Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract without serious cause may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted if a severance cap were agreed, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4 in the aforementioned period.
c. Code Section 5.3.2 Para. 3 Sentence 2
Independence of the Chair of the Audit Committee
The current Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee of Hannover Rück SE at the same time also served as the Chair of the Board of Management of the controlling shareholder until the end of the Annual General Meeting of Talanx AG on 8 May 2018 and hence cannot, in the company's legal assessment, be considered independent.
In the period from 1994 to 2002 he served as the company's Chief Financial Officer. During this time he acquired superb knowledge of the company and he is equipped with extensive professional expertise in the topics that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee. With this in mind, he is optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee.
This assessment is also not cast into question by the fact that the Committee Chair cannot be considered independent within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code for the period from 1 January 2018 to 8 May 2018. Furthermore, since his service as Chief Financial Officer of Hannover Rück SE dates back to a period that is already more than fifteen years ago, it is also the case that the reviews and checks performed by the Finance and Audit Committee no longer relate to any timeframe within which he himself was still a member of the Executive Board or decisions initiated by him as a member of the Executive Board were still being realised.
In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 5.3.2 Para. 3 in the aforementioned period.
II. German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated 16 December 2019
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board further declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that Hannover Rück SE has been and will be in compliance with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated 16 December 2019 since the announcement of the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" in the version dated 16 December 2019 on 20 March 2020 with the exception of the following stated divergences.
a. Code Recommendation C.10 in conjunction with Recommendation C.7
Independence of the Chair of the Audit Committee from the company and the Management Board
Pursuant to Recommendation C.10 of the Code 2019, the Chair of the Audit Committee shall be independent of the company and the Management Board. Pursuant to Recommendation C.7 of the Code 2019, when assessing the independence of the Supervisory Board's members from the company and the Management Board, the shareholder representatives shall particularly take into consideration whether the respective Supervisory Board member has belonged to the Supervisory Board for more than 12 years. Mr. Haas, the Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee, was first elected to the Supervisory Board of Hannover Rück SE on 24 May 2002 and has therefore already belonged to it for more than 12 years.
In the period from 1994 to 2002 Mr. Haas served as the company's Chief Financial Officer. During this time, he acquired superb knowledge of the company and he is equipped with extensive professional expertise in the topics that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee. His additional long-standing experience on the company's Supervisory Board – in part also as Chair – similarly marks him out for fulfilling with the utmost diligence both the preparatory tasks of the Committee and the tasks that were assigned to the Committee by law or by the full Supervisory Board at its own responsibility. In electing him as Chair of the Committee, the Supervisory Board took into account Mr. Haas' wealth of experience and considered this to be valuable with an eye to the new election of the body as a whole as well as the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer in 2019 against the backdrop of maintaining continuity.
Mr. Haas is optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee, and in the opinion of Hannover Rück SE it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from Recommendation C.10 in conjunction with C.7.
b. Code Recommendations G.1, G.10, G.11
Remuneration of the Management Board
After the announcement of the new Code on 20 March 2020, the Supervisory Board approved a new system for the remuneration of the Executive Board with effect from 1 January 2021 that is in conformity with the recommendations of the new Code in the version dated 16 December 2019. This remuneration system was implemented jointly with the members of the Executive Board in the Board contracts with effect from 1 January 2021. For the period until 31 December 2020 it is the case that, in accordance with the Code in the version dated 16 December 2019, the recommendations contained therein regarding Management Board remuneration in Section G. do not have to be taken into consideration in current Board contracts.
In order to ensure a consistent system of remuneration for the Executive Board as a collegial body, the remuneration arrangements for Clemens Jungsthöfel – who was newly appointed as a member of the Executive Board with effect from 1 September 2020 – were structured according to the system in place for the other members of the Executive Board. For the period until 31 December 2020 the remuneration arrangements for Mr. Jungsthöfel therefore correspond to the existing Executive Board remuneration system of the company and hence are not oriented to the Code in the version dated 16 December 2019. For the period until 31 December 2020 it is pointed out, as a highly precautionary measure, that this is associated with a divergence from Recommendations G.1 (maximum limit in terms of amount of the Hannover Re share awards at the time of payment), G.10 (predominantly share-based variable remuneration) as well as G.11 (retention/reclamation of variable remuneration) of the Code in the version dated 16 December 2019 in relation to the Board contract for the member of the Executive Board newly appointed with effect from 1 August 2020. With effect from 1 January 2021 the remuneration system for all members of the Executive Board is in conformity with the recommendations of the Code in the version dated 16 December 2019.
Aside from the divergences specified under Number II. of this Declaration of Conformity, the company will also continue in future to comply with all recommendations of the Code in the version dated 16 December 2019.
Hannover, 3 November 2020
For the Executive Board
For the Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rück SE
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rück SE diverges in three respects from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 7 February 2017:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2; Caps on the amount of variable compensation elements in Management Board contracts
The variable compensation of the members of the Executive Board is granted in part in the form of Hannover Re share awards. The maximum number of share awards granted at the time of allocation depends upon the total amount of variable compensation, which is subject to an upper limit (cap), i.e. the allocation of share awards is limited by the cap. The share awards have a vesting period of four years. During this period the members of the Executive Board therefore participate in positive and negative developments at the company, as reflected in the share price. The equivalent value of the share awards is paid out to the members of the Executive Board after the end of the vesting period. The amount paid out is determined according to the share price of the Hannover Re share applicable at the payment date plus an amount equivalent to the total dividends per share distributed during the vesting period. The share awards consequently follow the economic fortunes of the Hannover Re share.
The amount of variable compensation deriving from the granting of share awards is thus capped at the time when the share awards are allocated, but it is not capped again at the time of payment. Bearing in mind the harmonisation of the interests of shareholders and of the members of the Executive Board of Hannover Rück SE that is sought through the share awards, the company does not consider further limitation of the amount of variable remuneration resulting from the granting of share awards at the time of payment to be expedient. From the company's perspective, the use of Hannover Re share awards as a method of payment constitutes – in economic terms – a compulsory investment in Hannover Re shares with a four-year holding period.
For formal purposes and as a highly precautionary measure, Hannover Rück SE is therefore declaring a divergence from Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2.
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract without serious cause may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted if a severance cap were agreed, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4.
Code Section 5.3.2 Para. 3 Sentence 2; Independence of the Chair of the Audit Committee
The current Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee of Hannover Rück SE at the same time also served as the Chair of the Board of Management of the controlling shareholder and recommendation that the Chair of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Audit Committee shall not be the same Person and hence cannot, in the company's legal assessment, be considered independent.
In the period from 1994 to 2002 he served as the company's Chief Financial Officer. During this time he acquired superb knowledge of the company and he is equipped with extensive professional expertise in the topics that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee. With this in mind, he is optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee.
This assessment is also not cast into question by the fact that the Committee Chair cannot be considered independent within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code for the period from 1 January 2018 to 8 May 2018. Furthermore, since his service as Chief Financial Officer of Hannover Rück SE dates back to a period that is already more than fifteen years ago, it is also the case that the reviews and checks performed by the Finance and Audit Committee no longer relate to any timeframe within which he himself was still a member of the Executive Board or decisions initiated by him as a member of the Executive Board were still being realised.
In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 5.3.2 Para. 3.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 5 November 2019
For the Executive Board
For the Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rück SE
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rück SE diverges in three respects from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 7 February 2017:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2; Caps on the amount of variable compensation elements in Management Board contracts
The variable compensation of the members of the Executive Board is granted in part in the form of Hannover Re share awards. The maximum number of share awards granted at the time of allocation depends upon the total amount of variable compensation, which is subject to an upper limit (cap), i.e. the allocation of share awards is limited by the cap. The share awards have a vesting period of four years. During this period the members of the Executive Board therefore participate in positive and negative developments at the company, as reflected in the share price. The equivalent value of the share awards is paid out to the members of the Executive Board after the end of the vesting period. The amount paid out is determined according to the share price of the Hannover Re share applicable at the payment date plus an amount equivalent to the total dividends per share distributed during the vesting period. The share awards consequently follow the economic fortunes of the Hannover Re share.
The amount of variable compensation deriving from the granting of share awards is thus capped at the time when the share awards are allocated, but it is not capped again at the time of payment. Bearing in mind the harmonisation of the interests of shareholders and of the members of the Executive Board of Hannover Rück SE that is sought through the share awards, the company does not consider further limitation of the amount of variable remuneration resulting from the granting of share awards at the time of payment to be expedient. From the company's perspective, the use of Hannover Re share awards as a method of payment constitutes – in economic terms – a compulsory investment in Hannover Re shares with a four-year holding period.
For formal purposes and as a highly precautionary measure, Hannover Rück SE is therefore declaring a divergence from Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2.
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract without serious cause may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted if a severance cap were agreed, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4.
Code Section 5.3.2 Para. 3; Independence of the Chair of the Audit Committee and recommendation that the Chair of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Audit Committee shall not be the same person
The current Chair of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee of Hannover Rück SE at the same time also served as the Chair of the Board of Management of the controlling shareholder and recommendation that the Chair of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Audit Committee shall not be the same Person and hence cannot, in the company's legal assessment, be considered independent.
In the period from 1994 to 2002 he served as the company's Chief Financial Officer. During this time he acquired superb knowledge of the company and he is equipped with extensive professional expertise in the topics that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee. With this in mind, the serving Chair of the Supervisory Board is optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee.
This assessment is also not cast into question by the fact that the Committee Chair cannot be considered independent within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code for the period from 1 January 2018 to 8 May 2018. Furthermore, since his service as Chief Financial Officer of Hannover Rück SE dates back to a period that is already some fifteen years ago, it is also the case that the reviews and checks performed by the Finance and Audit Committee no longer relate to any timeframe within which he himself was still a member of the Executive Board or decisions initiated by him as a member of the Executive Board were still being realised.
In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 5.3.2 Para. 3.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 7 November 2018
For the Executive Board
For the Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rück SE
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rück SE diverges in four respects from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 7 February 2017:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2; Caps on the amount of variable compensation elements in Management Board contracts
The variable compensation of the members of the Executive Board is granted in part in the form of Hannover Re share awards. The maximum number of share awards granted at the time of allocation depends upon the total amount of variable compensation, which is subject to an upper limit (cap), i.e. the allocation of share awards is limited by the cap. The share awards have a vesting period of four years. During this period the members of the Executive Board therefore participate in positive and negative developments at the company, as reflected in the share price. The equivalent value of the share awards is paid out to the members of the Executive Board after the end of the vesting period. The amount paid out is determined according to the share price of the Hannover Re share applicable at the payment date plus an amount equivalent to the total dividends per share distributed during the vesting period. The share awards consequently follow the economic fortunes of the Hannover Re share.
The amount of variable compensation deriving from the granting of share awards is thus capped at the time when the share awards are allocated, but it is not capped again at the time of payment. Bearing in mind the harmonisation of the interests of shareholders and of the members of the Executive Board of Hannover Rück SE that is sought through the share awards, the company does not consider further limitation of the amount of variable remuneration resulting from the granting of share awards at the time of payment to be expedient. From the company's perspective, the use of Hannover Re share awards as a method of payment constitutes – in economic terms – a compulsory investment in Hannover Re shares with a four-year holding period.
For formal purposes and as a highly precautionary measure, Hannover Rück SE is therefore declaring a divergence from Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2.
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract without serious cause may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted if a severance cap were agreed, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4.
Code Section 5.3.2 Para. 3 Sentence 2; Independence of the Chair of the Audit Committee
The current Chair of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee of Hannover Rück SE is at the same time also the Chair of the Board of Management of the controlling shareholder and hence cannot, in the company's legal assessment, be considered independent.
In the period from 1994 to 2002 he served as the company's Chief Financial Officer. During this time he acquired superb knowledge of the company and he is equipped with extensive professional expertise in the topics that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee. With this in mind, the serving Chair of the Supervisory Board is optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee.
This assessment is also not cast into question by the fact that the Committee Chair cannot be considered independent within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code. Furthermore, since his service as Chief Financial Officer of Hannover Rück SE dates back to a period that is already some fifteen years ago, it is also the case that the reviews and checks performed by the Finance and Audit Committee no longer relate to any timeframe within which he himself was still a member of the Executive Board or decisions initiated by him as a member of the Executive Board were still being realised.
In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 5.3.2 Para. 3 Sentence 2.
Code Section 5.3.2 Para. 3 Sentence 3; Chair of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Audit Committee shall not be the same person
The currently serving Chair of the Supervisory Board of Hannover Rück SE is at the same time the Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee. As already explained above in the justification for divergence from Code Section 5.3.2 Para. 3 Sentence 2, there are good grounds to support the current Chair of the Supervisory Board also serving as Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 5.3.2 Para. 3 Sentence 3.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 7 November 2017
For the Executive Board
For the Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rück SE
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rück SE diverges in four respects from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 5 May 2015:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2; Caps on the amount of variable compensation elements in Management Board contracts
The variable compensation of the members of the Executive Board is granted in part in the form of Hannover Re share awards. The maximum number of share awards granted at the time of allocation depends upon the total amount of variable compensation, which is subject to an upper limit (cap), i.e. the allocation of share awards is limited by the cap. The share awards have a vesting period of four years. During this period the members of the Executive Board therefore participate in positive and negative developments at the company, as reflected in the share price. The equivalent value of the share awards is paid out to the members of the Executive Board after the end of the vesting period. The amount paid out is determined according to the share price of the Hannover Re share applicable at the payment date plus an amount equivalent to the total dividends per share distributed during the vesting period. The share awards consequently follow the economic fortunes of the Hannover Re share.
The amount of variable compensation deriving from the granting of share awards is thus capped at the time when the share awards are allocated, but it is not capped again at the time of payment. Bearing in mind the harmonisation of the interests of shareholders and of the members of the Executive Board of Hannover Rück SE that is sought through the share awards, the company does not consider further limitation of the amount of variable remuneration resulting from the granting of share awards at the time of payment to be expedient. From the company's perspective, the use of Hannover Re share awards as a method of payment constitutes – in economic terms – a compulsory investment in Hannover Re shares with a four-year holding period.
For formal purposes and as a highly precautionary measure, Hannover Rück SE is therefore declaring a divergence from Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract without serious cause may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted if a severance cap were agreed, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4.
Code Section 5.2 Para. 2; Chairman of the Audit Committee
The current Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hannover Rück SE served as the company's Chief Financial Officer in the period from 1994 to 2002. During this time he acquired superb knowledge of the company and he is equipped with extensive professional expertise in the topics that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee. With this in mind, the serving Chairman of the Supervisory Board is optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 5.2 Para. 2.
Code Section 5.3.2; Independence of the Chairman of the Audit Committee
The current Chairman of the Audit Committee is at the same time also the Chairman of the Board of Management of the controlling shareholder and hence cannot, in the company's legal assessment, be considered independent. As already explained above in the justification for divergence from Code Section 5.2 Para. 2, the current Chairman of the Supervisory Board is, however, optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee. This assessment is also not cast into question by the fact that the Committee Chairman cannot therefore be considered independent within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code. Furthermore, since his service as Chief Financial Officer of Hannover Rück SE dates back to a period more than ten years ago, it is also the case that the reviews and checks performed by the Finance and Audit Committee no longer relate to any timeframe within which he himself was still a member of the Executive Board or decisions initiated by him as a member of the Executive Board were still being realised. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from this recommendation contained in Section 5.3.2.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 9 November 2016
For the Executive Board
For the Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rück SE
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rück SE diverges in four respects from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 5 May 2015:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2; Caps on the amount of variable compensation elements in Management Board contracts
The variable compensation of the members of the Executive Board is granted in part in the form of Hannover Re share awards. The maximum number of share awards granted at the time of allocation depends upon the total amount of variable compensation, which is subject to an upper limit (cap), i.e. the allocation of share awards is limited by the cap. The share awards have a vesting period of four years. During this period the members of the Executive Board therefore participate in positive and negative developments at the company, as reflected in the share price. The equivalent value of the share awards is paid out to the members of the Executive Board after the end of the vesting period. The amount paid out is determined according to the share price of the Hannover Re share applicable at the payment date plus an amount equivalent to the total dividends per share distributed during the vesting period. The share awards consequently follow the economic fortunes of the Hannover Re share.
The amount of variable compensation deriving from the granting of share awards is thus capped at the time when the share awards are allocated, but it is not capped again at the time of payment. Bearing in mind the harmonisation of the interests of shareholders and of the members of the Executive Board of Hannover Rück SE that is sought through the share awards, the company does not consider further limitation of the amount of variable remuneration resulting from the granting of share awards at the time of payment to be expedient. From the company's perspective, the use of Hannover Re share awards as a method of payment constitutes – in economic terms – a compulsory investment in Hannover Re shares with a four-year holding period.
For formal purposes and as a highly precautionary measure, Hannover Rück SE is therefore declaring a divergence from Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2.
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted if a severance cap were agreed, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4.
Code Section 5.2 Para. 2; Chairman of the Audit Committee
The current Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hannover Rück SE served as the company's Chief Financial Officer in the period from 1994 to 2002. During this time he acquired superb knowledge of the company and he is equipped with extensive professional expertise in the topics that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee. With this in mind, the serving Chairman of the Supervisory Board is optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 5.2 Para. 2.
Code Section 5.3.2; Independence of the Chairman of the Audit Committee
The current Chairman of the Audit Committee is at the same time also the Chairman of the Board of Management of the controlling shareholder and hence cannot, in the company's legal assessment, be considered independent. As already explained above in the justification for divergence from Code Section 5.2 Para. 2, the current Chairman of the Supervisory Board is, however, optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee. This assessment is also not cast into question by the fact that the Committee Chairman cannot therefore be considered independent within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code. Furthermore, since his service as Chief Financial Officer of Hannover Rück SE dates back to a period more than ten years ago, it is also the case that the reviews and checks performed by the Finance and Audit Committee no longer relate to any timeframe within which he himself was still a member of the Executive Board or decisions initiated by him as a member of the Executive Board were still being realised. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from this recommendation contained in Section 5.3.2.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 3 November 2015
For the Executive Board
For the Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rück SE
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rück SE diverges in four respects from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 24 June 2014:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2; Caps on the amount of variable compensation elements in Management Board contracts
The variable compensation of the members of the Executive Board is granted in part in the form of Hannover Re share awards. The maximum number of share awards granted at the time of allocation depends upon the total amount of variable compensation, which is subject to an upper limit (cap), i.e. the allocation of share awards is limited by the cap. The share awards have a vesting period of four years. During this period the members of the Executive Board therefore participate in positive and negative developments at the company, as reflected in the share price. The equivalent value of the share awards is paid out to the members of the Executive Board after the end of the vesting period. The amount paid out is determined according to the share price of the Hannover Re share applicable at the payment date plus an amount equivalent to the total dividends per share distributed during the vesting period. The share awards consequently follow the economic fortunes of the Hannover Re share.
The amount of variable compensation deriving from the granting of share awards is thus capped at the time when the share awards are allocated, but it is not capped again at the time of payment. Bearing in mind the harmonisation of the interests of shareholders and of the members of the Executive Board of Hannover Rück SE that is sought through the share awards, the company does not consider further limitation of the amount of variable remuneration resulting from the granting of share awards at the time of payment to be expedient. From the company's perspective, the use of Hannover Re share awards as a method of payment constitutes – in economic terms – a compulsory investment in Hannover Re shares with a four-year holding period.
For formal purposes and as a highly precautionary measure, Hannover Rück SE is therefore declaring a divergence from Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2.
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted if a severance cap were agreed, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4.
Code Section 5.2 Para. 2; Chairman of the Audit Committee
The current Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hannover Rück SE served as the company's Chief Financial Officer in the period from 1994 to 2002. During this time he acquired superb knowledge of the company and he is equipped with extensive professional expertise in the topics that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee. With this in mind, the serving Chairman of the Supervisory Board is optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 5.2 Para. 2.
Code Section 5.3.2; Independence of the Chairman of the Audit Committee
The current Chairman of the Audit Committee is at the same time also the Chairman of the Board of Management of the controlling shareholder and hence cannot, in the company's legal assessment, be considered independent. As already explained above in the justification for divergence from Code Section 5.2 Para. 2, the current Chairman of the Supervisory Board is, however, optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee. This assessment is also not cast into question by the fact that the Committee Chairman cannot therefore be considered independent within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code. Furthermore, since his service as Chief Financial Officer of Hannover Rück SE dates back to a period more than ten years ago, it is also the case that the reviews and checks performed by the Finance and Audit Committee no longer relate to any timeframe within which he himself was still a member of the Executive Board or decisions initiated by him as a member of the Executive Board were still being realised. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from this recommendation contained in Section 5.3.2.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 4 November 2014
For the Executive Board
For the Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rückversicherung AG
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rück SE diverges in four respects from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 13 May 2013:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2; Caps on the amount of variable compensation elements in Management Board contracts
The variable compensation of the members of the Executive Board consists of a cash component and payments into a bonus bank as well as – accounting for 20% of the total variable compensation – the automatic allocation of virtual Hannover Re share awards. The maximum amount of total remuneration is capped. The number of share awards allocated is determined by dividing the amount of the 20% variable compensation by the average share price of the Hannover Re share on the five trading days before and five trading days after the Ordinary General Meeting for the allocation year in question.
This means that upon allocation of the share awards the expense accruing to the company on this variable compensation element is fixed (capped) at the time of allocation. In economic terms, these virtual share awards constitute a compulsory investment by the members of the Executive Board in the Hannover Re share that is geared to a holding period of four years. This compulsory investment thus appropriately takes into account both positive and negative developments at the company as reflected in the share price.
These share awards are paid out after a vesting period of four years according to the share price of the Hannover Re share applicable at the payment date plus an amount equivalent to the total dividends per share distributed during the vesting period. The virtual share awards thus follow the economic fortunes of physically awarded real shares.
Should the share price at the time of exercise be higher than the share price at the time of allocation, the resulting additional expenditure for the company can be neutralised by way of appropriate safeguards.
Insofar as the delivery of real shares for retention by the Executive Board members is granted with a resale lock-up period as part of the variable compensation, a cap is normally only provided for with respect to the granting of shares (i.e. at the time of allocation) and not at the time of exercise, which is at the discretion of the recipient once the lock-up period has expired.
The virtual share awards of Hannover Re have a cap at the time of allocation and a time of exercise set by the company after four years. Given the safeguards put in place by the company, we consider a further cap at the time of exercise – especially in light of the desired economic identity of compulsory investments in virtual and real shares – to be unnecessary. As a precaution, however, the company is declaring a divergence from Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 2.
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted if a severance cap were agreed, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4.
Code Section 5.2 Para. 2; Chairman of the Audit Committee
The current Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hannover Rück SE served as the company's Chief Financial Officer in the period from 1994 to 2002. During this time he acquired superb knowledge of the company and he is equipped with extensive professional expertise in the topics that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee. With this in mind, the serving Chairman of the Supervisory Board is optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 5.2 Para. 2.
Code Section 5.3.2; Independence of the Chairman of the Audit Committee
The current Chairman of the Audit Committee is at the same time also the Chairman of the Board of Management of the controlling shareholder and hence cannot, in the company's legal assessment, be considered independent. As already explained above in the justification for divergence from Code Section 5.2 Para. 2, the current Chairman of the Supervisory Board is, however, optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee. This assessment is also not cast into question by the fact that the Committee Chairman cannot therefore be considered independent within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code. Furthermore, since his service as Chief Financial Officer of Hannover Rück SE dates back to a period more than ten years ago, it is also the case that the reviews and checks performed by the Finance and Audit Committee no longer relate to any timeframe within which he himself was still a member of the Executive Board or decisions initiated by him as a member of the Executive Board were still being realised. In the opinion of Hannover Rück SE, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from this recommendation contained in Section 5.3.2.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 4 November 2013
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rückversicherung AG
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rückversicherung AG diverges in three respects from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 15 May 2012:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. Whilst it is true that the legal literature discusses structuring options that would permit the legally secure implementation of the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4, it is, however, open to question whether qualified candidates for a position on the company's Executive Board would accept appropriate clauses. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rückversicherung AG, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4.
Code Section 5.2 Para. 2; Chairman of the Audit Committee
The current Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hannover Rückversicherung AG served as the company's Chief Financial Officer in the period from 1994 to 2002. During this time he acquired superb knowledge of the company and he is equipped with extensive professional expertise in the topics that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee. With this in mind, the serving Chairman of the Supervisory Board is optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee. In the opinion of Hannover Rückversicherung AG, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 5.2 Para. 2.
Code Section 5.3.2; Independence of the Chairman of the Audit Committee
The current Chairman of the Audit Committee is at the same time also the Chairman of the Board of Management of the controlling shareholder and hence cannot, in the company's legal assessment, be considered independent. As already explained above in the justification for divergence from Code Section 5.2 Para. 2, the current Chairman of the Supervisory Board is, however, optimally suited to chairing the Audit Committee. This assessment is also not cast into question by the fact that the Committee Chairman cannot therefore be considered independent within the meaning of the German Corporate Governance Code. Furthermore, since his service as Chief Financial Officer of Hannover Rückversicherung AG already dates back ten years, it is also the case that the reviews and checks performed by the Finance and Audit Committee no longer relate to any period in which he himself was still a member of the Executive Board or decisions initiated by him as a member of the Executive Board were still being realised. In the opinion of Hannover Rückversicherung AG, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from this recommendation contained in Section 5.3.2.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 5 November 2012
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rückversicherung AG
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rückversicherung AG diverges in one respect from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 26 May 2010:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract without serious cause may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. Whilst it is true that the legal literature discusses structuring options that would permit the legally secure implementation of the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4, it is, however, open to question whether qualified candidates for a position on the company's Executive Board would accept appropriate clauses. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rückversicherung AG, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 13 December 2011
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rückversicherung AG
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rückversicherung AG diverged in one respect from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 18 June 2009 (Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Cap on severance payments in Management Board contracts). In its implementation of the version of the Code dated 26 May 2010 Hannover Rückversicherung AG again diverged in one respect from the recommendations:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract without serious cause may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. Whilst it is true that the legal literature discusses structuring options that would permit the legally secure implementation of the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4, it is, however, open to question whether qualified candidates for a position on the company's Executive Board would accept appropriate clauses. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rückversicherung AG, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 8 November 2010
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rückversicherung AG
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rückversicherung AG diverged in one respect from the recommendations contained in the version of the Code dated 6 June 2008 (Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Cap on severance payments in Management Board contracts). In its implementation of the version of the Code dated 18 June 2009 Hannover Rückversicherung AG again diverged in one respect from the recommendations:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract without serious cause may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. Whilst it is true that the legal literature discusses structuring options that would permit the legally secure implementation of the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4, it is, however, open to question whether qualified candidates for a position on the company's Executive Board would accept appropriate clauses. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rückversicherung AG, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4.
Supplementary note on Code Section 3.8; D&O insurance, appropriate deductible for members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board
Hannover Rückversicherung AG will comply with the recommendation to agree a deductible of at least 10 % of the loss up to at least the amount of one and a half times the fixed annual compensation of the Management Board member under the directors' & officers' (D&O) insurance taken out by the company within the deadline set out in § 23 Para. 1 Introductory Act to the Stock Corporation Act (EGAktG) (1 July 2010). This shall also apply accordingly to members of the Supervisory Board.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 4 November 2009
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rückversicherung AG
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board declare pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) that in its implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code Hannover Rückversicherung AG was in compliance with all recommendations contained in the version date 14 June 2007, while it diverged in one respect in its implementation of the version of the Code dated 6 June 2008:
Code Section 4.2.3 Para. 4; Caps on severance payments in Management Board contracts
Premature termination of a service contract without serious cause may only take the form of cancellation by mutual consent. Even if the Supervisory Board insists upon setting a severance cap when concluding or renewing an Executive Board contract, this does not preclude the possibility of negotiations also extending to the severance cap in the event of a member leaving the Executive Board. Whilst it is true that the legal literature discusses structuring options that would permit the legally secure implementation of the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4, it is, however, open to question whether qualified candidates for a position on the company's Executive Board would accept appropriate clauses. In addition, the scope for negotiation over a member leaving the Executive Board would be restricted, which could be particularly disadvantageous in cases where there is ambiguity surrounding the existence of serious cause for termination. In the opinion of Hannover Rückversicherung AG, it is therefore in the interest of the company to diverge from the recommendation contained in Section 4.2.3 Para. 4."
Supplementary note on Code Section 4.2.4; disclosure of remuneration received by members of the Executive Board)
With respect to the non-mandatory provision of the Code requiring individualised specification of the remuneration received by members of the Executive Board, we are following the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of 12 May 2006, according to which the disclosures required in § 285 Clause 1 No. 9 Letter a Sentences 5 to 9 and § 314 Para.1 No. 6 Letter a Sentences 5 to 9 German Commercial Code as amended by the Act on Disclosure of Executive Board Compensation (Vorstandsvergütungs-Offenlegungsgesetz) shall be omitted.
We are in compliance with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 5 November 2008
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
Declaration of Conformity pursuant to § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rückversicherung AG
The German Corporate Governance Code sets out major statutory requirements governing the management and supervision of German listed companies. It contains both nationally and internationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management.
Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to provide an annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the "German Corporate Governance Code Government Commission" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations of the Code were/are not applied.
Implementation of the recommendations by Hannover Rückversicherung AG does not diverge from the German Corporate Governance Code (amended version of 14 June 2007) in any respect.
With respect to the non-mandatory provision of the Code requiring individualised specification of the remuneration received by members of the Executive Board, we are following the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of 12 May 2006, according to which the disclosures required in § 285 Clause 1 No. 9 Letter a Sentences 5 to 9 and § 314 Para.1 No. 6 Letter a Sentences 5 to 9 German Commercial Code as amended by the Act on Disclosure of Executive Board Compensation (Vorstandsvergütungs-Offenlegungsgesetz) shall be omitted.
Hannover, 6 November 2007
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
Declaration pursuant to § 161 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) of Hannover Rückversicherung AG:
The "German Corporate Governance Code" (DCGK) sets out the major legal stipulations governing the management and supervision of German listed companies and contains both internationally and nationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management.
Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to confirm annually that the company has been and is in compliance with the recommendations of the "Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations have not been or are not applied ("comply or explain").
The implementation of the recommendations by Hannover Rückversicherung AG does not diverge from the German Corporate Governance Code (in the version dated 12 June 2006).
10 November 2006
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
German Corporate Governance Code
Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Hannover Rückversicherung AG declare pursuant to § 161 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG):
The "German Corporate Governance Code" (DCGK) sets out the major legal stipulations governing the management and supervision of German listed companies and contains both internationally and nationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to confirm annually that the company has been and is in compliance with the recommendations of the "Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations have not been or are not applied ("comply or explain"). The implementation of the recommendations by Hannover Rückversicherung AG diverges from the German Corporate Governance Code (in the version dated 2 June 2005) in the following respects:
Individualised specification of compensation received by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board
(Code Items 4.2.4 Sentence 2 and 5.4.7 Para. 3, Sentence 1)
The compensation received by the members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board is supposed to be reported in the consolidated financial statements on an individualised basis broken down into its constituent elements. Hannover Re is of the opinion that the legal protection of rights of personality should take precedence over the disclosure and transparency interests of investors. For this reason, as has been the case to date, a summary presentation of the compensation and its constituent elements is provided in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. This disclosure enables our shareholders to fully assess the appropriateness of the total amount of compensation.
We have been and are in conformity with all other recommendations of the Code.
November 2005
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
German Corporate Governance Code
Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Hannover Rückversicherung AG declare pursuant to § 161 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG):
The "German Corporate Governance Code" (DCGK) sets out the major legal stipulations governing the management and supervision of German listed companies and contains both internationally and nationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to confirm annually that the company has been and is in compliance with the recommendations of the "Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations have not been or are not applied ("comply or explain"). The implementation of the recommendations by Hannover Rückversicherung AG diverges from the German Corporate Governance Code (in the version dated 21 May 2003) in the following respects:
Individualised specification of compensation received by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board
(Code Items 4.2.4 Sentence 2 and 5.4.5 Para. 3, Sentence 1)
The compensation received by the members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board is supposed to be reported in the consolidated financial statements on an individualised basis broken down into its constituent elements. Hannover Re is of the opinion that the legal protection of rights of personality should take precedence over the disclosure and transparency interests of investors. For this reason, as has been the case to date, a summary presentation of the compensation and its constituent elements is provided in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. This disclosure enables our shareholders to fully assess the appropriateness of the total amount of compensation.
We have been and are in conformity with all other recommendations of the Code.
November 2004
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
Declaration of conformity pursuant to § 161 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code at Hannover Rückversicherung AG
The "German Corporate Governance Code" (DCGK) sets out the major legal stipulations governing the management and supervision of German listed companies and contains both internationally and nationally recognised standards of good and responsible enterprise management. The purpose of the Code is to foster the trust of investors, clients, employees and the general public in German enterprise management. Under § 161 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) it is incumbent on the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German listed companies to confirm annually that the company has been and is in compliance with the recommendations of the "Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code" published by the Federal Ministry of Justice or to explain which recommendations have not been or are not applied ("comply or explain"). The implementation of the recommendations by Hannover Rückversicherung AG diverges from the German Corporate Governance Code (in the version dated 21 May 2003) in the following respects:
Individualised specification of compensation received by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board
(Code Items 4.2.4 Sentence 2 and 5.4.5 Para. 3, Sentence 1)
The compensation received by the members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board is supposed to be reported in the consolidated financial statements on an individualised basis broken down into its constituent elements. Hannover Re is of the opinion that the legal protection of rights of personality should take precedence over the disclosure and transparency interests of investors. For this reason, as has been the case to date, a summary presentation of the compensation and its constituent elements is provided in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. This disclosure enables our shareholders to fully assess the appropriateness of the total amount of compensation.
Separate specification of compensation received by the chair and members of the
(Code Item 5.4.5 Para. 1, Sentence 3)
The compensation received by the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board as well as by the chair and the members of its committees is supposed to be detailed separately. Hannover Re has not to date made separate disclosure for the chair and members of the committees. In future, however, Hannover Re intends to comply even more closely with the Code. It is therefore envisaged that arrangements in accordance with the German Corporate Governance Code will be proposed to the next Annual General Meeting on 02.06.2004.
Publication deadlines for the annual report and the interim reports
(Code Item 7.1.2, Sentence 2)
The consolidated financial statements are supposed to be publicly accessible within 90 days of the end of the financial year, and interim reports within 45 days of the end of the reporting period in question. Due to some special features of international reinsurance business and the associated regulatory frameworks, we marginally exceed the recommended periods at present. Yet we by no means use the full scope of the deadlines permitted by law. By further optimising our reporting processes we expect to achieve compliance with the deadlines from 2004 onwards.
We are in conformity with all other recommendations of the Code.
Hannover, 25 November 2003
Executive Board
Supervisory Board