Our life and health reinsurance business is administered by a worldwide network of subsidiaries, branches and service companies. Thanks to our decentralised approach, our employees are available directly on the spot and are equipped with superb knowledge of the local (re)insurance market.
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Our experts are usually native speakers closely familiar with the region's culture. This local market know-how combined with our worldwide expertise enables us to deliver individually tailored and comprehensive customer support. Hannover Re has dedicated itself to lean management structures and has the lowest administrative expense ratio among major professional reinsurers.
With 23 offices on all continents, we have an outstanding international network at our disposal.
Approx. 1,300 Life & Health experts worldwide
All types of life, health, annuity and personal accident business written by life insurance companies
Standard & Poor's AA− (Very Strong), stable outlook
A.M. Best A+ (Superior), stable outlook