About us

Life & Health

Our life and health rein­surance busi­ness is adminis­tered by a world­wide network of subsi­diaries, bran­ches and service com­panies. Thanks to our de­centra­lised approach, our em­ployees are avai­lable direct­ly on the spot and are equipped with superb know­ledge of the local (re)­insurance market.

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Our experts are usually native speakers closely fami­liar with the region's culture. This local market know-how com­bined with our world­wide exper­tise en­ables us to deliver indivi­dually tai­lored and compre­hensive cus­tomer support. Hannover Re has dedi­cated itself to lean manage­ment struc­tures and has the lowest adminis­trative expense ratio among major pro­fessional rein­surers.

Dear Clients

If you are in the business of life, health, annuity and personal accident insurance, your business is our business. We would like to tell you our story and find out about yours.

Our network

With 23 offices on all continents, we have an out­standing inter­national network at our disposal.

Number of employees

Approx. 1,300 Life & Health experts worldwide

Lines of business

All types of life, health, annuity and personal accident business written by life insurance companies

Rating of the Hannover Re Group

Standard & Poor's AA− (Very Strong), stable outlook
A.M. Best A+ (Superior), stable outlook

Our focus

Sustainability in Life & Health reinsurance

Sustainability is a fundamental aspect of our life and health reinsurance business, and we integrate suitable practices into all activities to create a positive impact.

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Life & Health: Locations worldwide


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