Life & Health

Life Solutions

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Structured and traditional life solutions

As a market leader in financial reinsurance solutions, we provide life carriers with alternative means of accessing capital, which enable them to pursue new lines of business or increase their capital position. Unlike traditional financing options, these insurance-based solutions offer considerable benefits relative to capital market equity or debt. Customized financial solutions can be developed to:

  • Improve return on capital
  • Finance new business strain
  • Support mergers and acquisitions
  • Address regulatory requirements
  • Reduce earnings volatility
  • Improve product competiveness
  • Assist with principles-based reserving challenges

We work with our clients in the life market to diagnose and address their financial challenges. By leveraging our underwriting capacity, knowledge of tax and insurance environments, as well as our experience navigating through a complex regulatory landscape, we provide our clients with swift, creative and transparent solutions for their complex financial issues.

We seek opportunities to combine structured and traditional risk reinsurance to optimize solutions for our clients. On the traditional side, we turn our expertise and industry knowledge into insight, providing our clients with innovative tools to ensure their success in the life insurance market. Our actuarial, underwriting and research experts strive to deliver flexible solutions for even the most complex challenges, with a particular focus on accelerated underwriting programs, COLI/BOLI and life/LTC hybrid markets.

What we offer