Banc­assurance products present an excellent oppor­tunity for organi­sations with esta­blished sales forces, trusted brands, and strong client relation­ships to expand their offe­rings and re­venues with tai­lored life and health insu­rance products.

Hannover Re’s clients bene­fit from our unique know­ledge and capabi­lities as a rein­surer of banc­assurance products. Our expe­rience covers a huge range of insu­rance pro­ducts distri­buted via finan­cial insti­tutions in many diffe­rent coun­tries around the world. This combi­nation of de­tailed local market know­ledge and experi­ence with global insight and capabi­lities through the Hannover Re organi­sation gives us a truly excep­tional perspec­tive on this growing and evol­ving market.

Bancassurance is multi-faceted. Hannover Re is an exceptionally well-experi­enced reinsurer in the field of credit life insurance, where aspects of bancassurance play an important role. But our expertise extends far beyond traditional life and health insurance. We create tailored insurance covers to be packaged with financial products. Examples include: life insurance and disability protection for unit linked products, coverage of bank deposit and savings accounts or waiver of regular investments upon death or critical illness.

Automated under­writing solu­tions play a key role in modern sales pro­cesses, im­proving over­all pro­cess effi­ciency as well as the risk pro­file of new busi­ness. hr | ReFlex is our life risk assessment tool, an eco-system com­bining state of the art functio­nality with excep­tional flexi­bility and ease of use. hr |  ReFlex can be quickly and con­veniently inte­grated into banc­assurers’ own sys­tems and fully con­figured to reflect local market con­ditions - resul­ting in better and faster risk selec­tion and under­writing, and signi­ficant process effi­ciency gains. Sub­sequent cost savings will further increase sales.

As an estab­lished player in the banc­assu­rance market, our clients appre­ciate not only our expert gui­dance and support, but also our speed, respon­siveness, and flexi­bility. We are always looking for new ways of apply­ing our market-leading exper­tise to develop inno­vative solu­tions that help our partners fully benefit from emerging oppor­tunities in the banc­assurance market.

With banc­assurance-focused opera­tions in many different coun­tries, we are ideally placed to support our clients in deve­loping their busi­nesses both natio­nally and inter­nationally.