Reinsurance services

Education & training for life underwriting and claims

Build and strengthen your underwriting and claims-handling skills.

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Sharing best practices

Training for underwriting and claims personnel is the key to a high-quality underwriting and claims process. Hannover Re offers needs-oriented modular education & training programmes spanning a broad range of insurance and medical topics for clients.

Our programmes

Designed and adapted for specific markets and products, our programmes provide necessary theoretical background in conjunction with real-life examples and practical, interactive training sessions to broaden your knowledge of important aspects related to life underwriting and claims handling. An education & training module typically lasts 2 full days in a row and is provided by experienced and educated trainers.

We offer face-to-face and web-based seminars. If you are interested in attending any of our modular education & training programmes for life underwriters and claims assessors, please get in touch with us.
