Reinsurance services

Medical under­writing

Well-founded under­writing guide­lines and a tho­rough review of an appli­cant’s me­dical his­tory enable in­surers to provide their custo­mers with compe­titive pri­cing while mini­mising risk. Hannover Re supports quality manage­ment pro­cesses in under­writing.


Our expertise

Our long­standing experi­ence of revie­wing appli­cants’ medi­cal files and medi­cal test results gives us a de­tailed aware­ness of the full range of issues invol­ved as well as excep­tional access to his­torical data on an in-force block. Our under­writing team is fully suppor­ted by doctors and re­search profes­sionals who harness years of in-force data, medi­cal know­ledge and actua­rial know-how to help our clients manage their risk success­fully.

Established strengths in the area of medical under­writing are parti­cularly valuable for those of our clients with limited know­ledge or expe­rience in medical under­writing.

Our offer

Hannover Re’s clients benefit from

  • a rapid turn­around on facul­tative cases
  • direct access to our under­writers
  • our exten­sive re­search into new and inno­vative approa­ches to medical under­writing
  • our morta­lity exper­tise
  • our ad­vanced techno­logy solu­tions capabi­lities in areas such as auto­mated under­writing
  • our under­writing manual hr | Ascent

We ac­tively pursue new approa­ches in the simpli­fied issue market place. Our exten­sive prac­tical and theore­tical know­ledge helps us iden­tify where less intru­sive medical tests may enhance appli­cants’ experi­ence without compro­mising risk selec­tion and rating para­meters.