During challenging and uncertain economic times it is paramount that the partner you select has the financial capacity to pay claims. By selecting Hannover Life Re of Australasia you have the confidence in knowing that we have a long-term commitment to the Australasian life insurance as well as reinsurance market. Our life insurance and reinsurance business has been operating in the Australasian market since 1958. Hannover Life Re of Australasia belongs to the Hannover Re Group.
Standard & Poor’s, a rating agency of particular relevance to the insurance industry, assesses the financial strength of Hannover Re and therefore also Hannover Life Re of Australasia on the basis of an interactive rating process and have awarded it a very good rating of AA-. The rating agency highlights in particular the strength of the Hannover Re Group’s competitive position, its capitalisation and its risk management.
Hannover Re is one of the world’s leading reinsurers. It transacts all lines of property & casualty and life & health reinsurance and is present on all continents with around 3,500 staff. Established in 1966, the Hannover Re Group today has a network of more than 170 subsidiaries, branches and representative offices worldwide.