We comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (the Privacy Act) and, where applicable, State or Territory legislation in relation to health information. The Privacy Act sets out the requirements for Companies with regard to their handling of your personal information.
Our Privacy Statements can be found on our website under “Data Privacy”.
The Hannover Rueck SE - Australian Branch has established a Data Breach Notification Scheme, to ensure that affected individuals are notified about serious data breaches.
A breach occurs where there has been unauthorised access to, or unauthorised disclosure of, personal information about one or more individuals AND this event is likely to result in serious harm to an individual:
If a breach occurs we must, within 30 days of any breach or data loss, notify all affected customers and the Government Privacy Commissioner and disclose the information involved. We must also advise the affected customers what they should do to protect themselves.
If you wish to contact us about the handling of your personal information, accessing or correcting your information or to make a complaint, please contact:
Privacy Officer
Branch Risk Officer
Tower 1, Level 33
100 Barangaroo Avenue
Sydney, NSW 2000
Tel +61 2 8646 8305
E-mail address: PrivacyAustralia[at]hannover-re.com