Hannover Re Services USA, Inc. has been a part of the Hannover Re Group since 2006. Since then, Hannover Re has maintained a presence as regards marketing representatives and property & casualty auditing in the Chicago area. The primary purpose of this group is to support our underwriters located in Hannover.
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The service office maintains a staff of insurance professionals active in both client support and auditing.
As a service office, we offer expertise to our underwriting team in Hannover. We have a broad level of experience in most primary lines of business as well as reinsurance on those lines. Hannover Re is actively reinsuring nearly all lines of business in the United States.
The aim of Hannover Re Services is to build long term relationships through providing auditing and marketing services to our US clients.
Hannover Re has one of the broadest client bases of all reinsurers in the US, that combined with our full line of business expertise gives us a unique perspective from which to support our clients.
Eric Arnst
General Manager