Life and health rein­surance

Hannover Re holds a consis­tently strong position among the leading inter­natio­nally opera­ting life and health rein­surers. Trans­acting all lines of life, health, and annuity busi­ness, Hannover Re has advanced to become a leading pro­vider of rein­surance concepts and solu­tions. The company supports its clients' finan­cing of new busi­ness, finan­cial optimi­sation and offers product partner­ships for strategic market positioning.

Being present on all conti­nents, our life and health rein­surance busi­ness is adminis­tered by a world­wide network of subsi­diaries, bran­ches and service com­panies. Thanks to our de­centra­lised approach, our em­ployees are avai­lable direct­ly on the spot and are equipped with superb know­ledge of the local (re)­insurance market. They are usually native speakers closely fami­liar with the region’s culture. This local market know-how com­bined with our world­wide exper­tise en­ables us to deliver indivi­dually tai­lored and compre­hensive cus­tomer support. Hannover Re has dedi­cated itself to lean manage­ment struc­tures and has the lowest adminis­trative expense ratio among major pro­fessional rein­surers.

With 24 offices on all continents, we have an out­standing inter­national network at our disposal.